Friday, 24 February 2012

Heath and Beauty.

Hello Ladies!!

This is a guest blog post I was sent from the lovely Jackie Clarke, it's food for thought for us all...

All Women Are Beautiful in Their Own Way
By: Jackie Clark
Women are concerned about their appearances more than ever these days, especially with all of the Hollywood influences. Many of them spend hours in the morning picking out the perfect outfit, styling their hair and putting on makeup. A lot of women think it is worth it to go through all of this trouble because they feel beautiful and confident afterwards. 

Despite the social pressure to be tall and overly skinny, it is very important for all women to feel beautiful and confident in their own skin. Women who feel good about themselves are generally happier people and are more fun to be around. Women who don't feel good about themselves may feel depressed and don't want to be around others very much. Many women who are diagnosed with cancer feel depressed and don't care too much about their personal appearances. Mesothelioma is an example of a cancer some women face. According to the National Institutes of Health, mesothelioma is cancer of the tissue. Even though this type of cancer is rare, it is very serious. Those with a mesothelioma prognosis likely worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. People with mesothelioma have treatment option available including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

While dressing up and putting on makeup will not cure a woman's cancer, it can certainly make her feel beautiful in her own skin. Instead of wearing sweat pants everyday, a woman with cancer should take the time to put on a dress or skirt every once in awhile. She should also wear a little blush on her cheeks to brighten her skin, mascara on her eyelashes to bring out her eyes and lip-gloss on her lips to make them shine. If she feels good about herself when she is out, she may forget about her cancer for a while.

The shallow world of beauty and fashion needs to see the power of beauty of those with cancer. Even if they may not be as physically attractive as the models or actresses you see on television, they are still beautiful in their own way. If people started to tell more women with cancer how beautiful they look, it can really brighten their spirits. 

It is important to remember that no matter what beauty comes from the inside. Make up and fashion helps to enhance a woman’s outer beauty, but true beauty comes from the inside. A woman is beautiful because her inner confidence. It shouldn’t matter if her hair perfectly pulled back or if her tinted red lips make a statement. Women you are strong. Women you are beautiful no matter what. So remember to love yourself not your high heels or eyeliner!
Thank you Jackie <3 I think it's so easy to take it all for granted and not think what if.... However it's not only women with cancer that deal with these issues, lots of these feelings accompany different illnesses, or 'conditions' that leave you unable to do the things that make you feel good or 'human' - how did you feel?

It would really great to hear your responses xxx

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Thanks darlings, it would be great to read your opinions!